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The information on this page is applicable to the 2012 round of the New gTLD Program only. Please go to for information on the New gTLD Program: Next Round.

The dates published on this page reflect the Sunrise Period, Claims Period and, if applicable, the Qualified Launch Program, Approved Launch Program and Limited Registration Period(s) dates, provided by the applicable Registry Operator as required by the Trademark Clearinghouse Rights Protection Mechanism Requirements. All periods displayed on this page are date-based. For specific times when a period starts or ends, please refer to Registry Operator's website. Please note that any additional registration periods that a Registry Operator may run or changes to registration policies over time will not be reflected on this page.

Please Note: The information for TLDs that have conducted their startup periods may no longer be current as this information is not maintained on this page after the periods conclude and does not necessarily reflect the current Registry information. For a current list of Registries and Registry contact information, please visit and, respectively.