ICANN and the Governmental Advisory Committee (GAC) are pleased to announce the launch of an online register of GAC Advice to the ICANN Board. Arranged alphabetically by topic, the register tracks original GAC advice, responses from the Board, action items, dates of action, implementation plans and status of completion. The new GAC Advice Register can be found on the GAC website.
Comprised of national governments, governmental organizations and distinct economies, the GAC is a principal advisor to the ICANN Board on issues of public policy, especially those pertaining to national laws and international agreements.
The online register was launched through the ongoing work of the Board/GAC Recommendation Implementation Working Group to implement one of the recommendations made by the Accountability and Transparency Review Team (ATRT). As GAC advice is received, it is entered into the register to go through an assessment phase while actions and implementation plans are determined.
All GAC advice preceding June 2012 also is available in the register, but any resulting actions or outstanding items still are being determined and chronicled.
Learn more about the GAC: https://gacweb.icann.org/display/gacweb/About+The+GAC