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Prioritization Draw Frequently Asked Questions



New gTLD Prioritization Draw 2012 | Hilton LAX, Los Angeles | 17 December 2012

About the Draw

What is the Prioritization Draw?

The Prioritization Draw is an equitable and fair way to order the release of initial evaluation results for all new gTLD applications. The Draw will determine the order by which applications move through the remaining stages of the program.

When and where will the Draw take place?

The Prioritization Draw will be held on 17 December 2012 beginning at 1:00 p.m. PST (19:00 UTC) at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel, located at 5711 West Century Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90045 in the International Ballroom on the Lobby Level.

Why is the Draw event in California?

ICANN has been authorized to conduct a raffle in California by the California Department of Justice (Raffle Registration Number RJ0007607). Accordingly, the Draw must be conducted pursuant to California law, which requires us to conduct the raffle in California.

May anyone attend the actual Draw?

Yes. The Draw event is open to the public, but just like an ICANN meeting you must register in order to attend. You can register at

Do we have to be present at the Draw event to receive a priority number?

No. Tickets must be purchased in person but you do not need to be present at the Draw event to receive a priority number.

If you want to participate in the Draw, but cannot purchase tickets in person, you must designate a representative or proxy to purchase a ticket for each application you want to receive a priority number.

If you do not want to participate in the Draw, no action is needed.

How can the events of the Draw be followed if I cannot attend in person?

If you cannot attend the Draw event in person, you will be able to watch the event online. We will have a live stream from the New gTLD microsite.

Will ICANN supply documentation to facilitate getting travel visas?

Yes. If you require an invitation letter, you may contact the gTLD Customer Service Center via the CSC portal at or by email at

Can I swap my priority number with someone else or for another application?

No. Priority numbers are not transferable between applicants or between applications.

Will any applications be prioritized?

Yes. Applications for Internationalize Domain Names (IDNs) will be prioritized first.

How will the Draw work?

The Prioritization Draw will consist of four drawings. All applications for which tickets have been purchased will be prioritized before those for which tickets were not purchased. Tickets will be pulled from raffle bins.

Drawing 1: IDN applications for which a ticket has been purchased
Drawing 2: Non-IDN applications for which a ticket has been purchased
Drawing 3: IDN applications for which a ticket has NOT been purchased
Drawing 4: Non-IDN applications for which a ticket has NOT been purchased

While we hope to prioritize all tickets on 17 December 2012, ICANN reserves the right to conduct the 3rd and 4th drawings at a later date.

Ticket Sales

How much are the tickets?

Tickets are US$100.00 each, with only one ticket per application available.

What documentation is required in order to purchase a ticket?

In order to purchase a ticket for one or more applications, an Applicant's representative or proxy must bring:

  1. a government-issued photo identification containing the name and address/passport number identical to the information provided in the Designation Form; and
  2. the completed and printed Designation Form, including the Application ID number, the applied for string, and the unique Prioritization Draw code ("Code") that ICANN provided to all Applicants for each application.

The Applicant must inform its designated representative or proxy of these requirements.

Please note that the Designation Form will be retained at the time of ticket sale, as a form of documentation; please make your own copy in advance if you wish to keep a copy for your records.

Can overpayment credits be applied to the ticket cost?

No. Credits for overpayments of application fees cannot be used to purchase Draw tickets.

Can I get the tickets online?

No. California law requires that a paper ticket(s) be purchased in person.

Where can I buy a ticket?

Tickets will be available for purchase at the Hilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel, located at 5711 West Century Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90045, in the Century C/D room on the 2nd level. Tickets will be available 12 – 16 December 2012 from 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. PST (17:00 – 01:00 UTC) and on 17 December 2012 from 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. PST (16:00 – 19:00 UTC).

It is strongly encouraged that you purchase tickets in advance of the 17 December 2012 Draw date. A strict cut-off time for ticket sales will be enforced. If your designated representative or proxy is not in the queue to purchase ticket(s) by 11:00 a.m. PST on 17 December 2012, you will forfeit your ability to purchase a ticket for the Draw.

If I do not purchase a ticket, will I still receive a prioritization number?

Yes. Every application will receive a priority number regardless of whether a ticket is purchased. The advantage of buying a ticket to participate in the Draw is to receive a number higher in priority. If you do not participate in the Draw, initial evaluation results of your applications will be released after the results of all other applications that did participate in the Draw.

What forms of payment do you accept?

Payment for Draw tickets may be made with cash, cashier or certified check, travelers cheques, or credit card (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover) payable in U.S. dollars only to 'ICANN Draw'. Company checks, personal checks, and any non-certified checks will not be accepted.

Representatives & Proxies

If I am the primary contact purchasing tickets for my application, must I complete the Designation Form to designate myself as a representative or proxy?

Yes. In order to participate in the Draw, applicants must designate themselves, a company representative (secondary contact, or other person identified on the application), or third-party proxy to purchase a ticket for each application that the applicant wants prioritized.

How do I designate a representative or proxy?

To designate a representative or proxy you must complete the Representative-Proxy-Designation-Form [PDF, 33 KB] ("Designation Form"). If needed you may use the Additional-Designation-Sheet [PDF, 45 KB] to list additional applications.

If you are unable to locate or identify a proxy yourself, ICANN provides an "ICANN-identified Proxy List" with the names and contact information of individuals who have agreed to provide proxy services. These services will be at no charge to the applicant. The ICANN-identified Proxy List can be found at [PDF, 123 KB].

All forms must be filled out in English.

Is there a deadline for selecting an ICANN-identified proxy?

Yes. Applicants are expected to contact their ICANN-identified proxy well in advance of the 17 December 2012 Draw event date in order to ensure that there is time for the applicants to transfer the necessary documentation, funds for the cost of the ticket(s) and any fees associated with the transfer of those funds to that proxy.


What address(es) should be put on the Proxy Designation Form?

There are potentially two addresses called for. The first is the address of the designated representative or proxy, which, if an address is used, must match the address on the government-issued identification that the representative or proxy presents when purchasing the ticket. In the event a passport is being used as the government issued identification, the passport number of the representative or proxy must be included on the Designation Form. As for the second address called for, the applicant address must be used. This applicant address must match the address on the application.

If the name and address/passport number presented at the time of ticket purchase does not match the address/passport number listed on the Designation Form, the representative or proxy will not be eligible to purchase a ticket.

Who should complete and initial the Designation Form?

It is the application Primary Contact who must complete the Designation Form, and initial every page, including the Additional Designation Sheets, if applicable. The initials and signature should be handwritten.

What should I do if I am in the middle of a Primary Contact change? Who do I get to sign the Designation Form?

If an applicant is in the middle of a Primary Contact change then the Secondary Contact must sign and initial the Designation Form. If the Secondary Contact is unavailable to do so, one of the directors, officers, partners, or shareholders listed in response to question 11 of the application must sign and initial the Designation Form.

Can applicants assign a backup proxy?

Applicants are only authorized to select one proxy from the ICANN-identified proxy list. If applicants select their own identified proxy, they are not prohibited from designating more than one proxy.

What would happen if a backup proxy accidentally attempted to purchase a 2nd ticket?

It is strongly recommended that only one proxy appear in person to purchase a ticket for the same application. All proxies and applicants should arrange for appropriate methods to contact each other so that once a proxy has purchased a ticket, that proxy notifies the applicant (or Primary Contact) so that an alternative proxy does not attempt to purchase the same ticket. As a reminder, there is only one ticket to be purchased per application.

Will applicants/proxies receive a physical ticket?

Yes. The representative or proxy who appears in person will receive a paper ticket for each application for which that representative or proxy purchases a ticket.

Will applicant/proxies receive a receipt?

Yes. A receipt will be provided for each purchase transaction made by a representative or proxy purchases.

When will the ICANN-identified proxy list be available?

The ICANN-identified proxy list is posted at [PDF, 123 KB].

Will a contract be required between the applicant and the ICANN-identified proxy?

ICANN does not require an ICANN-identified proxy to enter into a contract with any applicant. ICANN has entered into a statement of work with each ICANN-identified proxy to perform specific services for applicants interested in participating in the Draw. The terms of that statement of work are posted on the New gTLD Prioritization Draw webpage. It is within the discretion of the applicant and the ICANN-identified proxy, to determine if a contract between the two parties is needed.

How can applicants pay the ICANN-identified proxy?

Applicants are not expected to pay an ICANN-identified proxy for performing proxy services. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that they provide the ICANN-identified proxy all the funds necessary, including all fees associated with transfer of funds, to purchase all Prioritization Draw ticket(s) that the applicant has designated the ICANN-identified proxy to purchase. It is also the applicant’s responsibly to work out with their proxy how they will receive the purchased tickets. It is not necessary that applicants pay the ICANN-identified proxy using one of the methods that the representative or proxy must use to purchase a ticket. The applicant and the ICANN-identified proxy shall work together to determine how best to ensure the necessary funds are delivered to the proxy in a timely manner and in advance of the deadline of 14 December 2012.

Will an email address for the ICANN-identified proxies be made available to the applicants for communication?

Yes. Contact information for each ICANN-identified proxy is included in the posted ICANN-identified proxy list, which can be found at [PDF, 123 KB].

Is the original signed proxy Designation Form required? Or will an emailed/electronic copy suffice?

So long as the Designation Form is signed and initialed by hand, a printed copy of an electronic version of the Designation Form will be accepted. As a reminder, the Designation Form will be retained as documentation at the time of ticket sale.

Can the same proxy represent more than one applicant or application?


Can a representative or proxy bulk pay for multiple applications in one transaction?

Yes. Either the applicant representative or proxy may pay for the cost of more than one ticket in a single transaction so long as they have been designated as representative or proxy for each of the application(s) for which they intend to purchase tickets.

What if I forget my Representative Proxy Designation Form?

If you forget your representative proxy designation form you will not be allowed to purchase a ticket. Likewise, if the information on the form does not match the identification of the representative presenting the form, you will not be allowed to purchase a ticket.