New gTLD Advisory
Advisory number: R1-A01-0030
Publication date: 9 January 2013
About this advisory: Based on evaluations performed to date, there are some areas that are generating a large number of clarifying questions. The intent of this advisory is to provide applicants with information to prepare in advance of receiving clarifying questions. We recommend that applicants take pro-active steps to address any relevant issues prior to receiving clarifying questions.
Disclaimer: ICANN issues this document to provide information that is intended to assist applicants with preparing in advance of receiving clarifying questions. It illustrates areas generating a large number of clarifying questions based on applications evaluated to date. It, in no way, represents a complete list of issues under which a clarifying question may be issued. This material is for information only and does not represent all requirements and criteria that the applicant must satisfy. ICANN is not providing legal, financial, business, or any other kind of advice. This material does not represent a modification to the Applicant Guidebook, or the terms and conditions of the new gTLD program. This material also does not represent a waiver of any ICANN policy, procedure or agreement.
Have questions regarding this material? Please contact New gTLD Customer Service at
Relevant Applicant Guidebook reference
Question 30(b) text.

Clarification of the security policy and procedure requirement
Question 30(b) asks for the "complete security policy and procedures for the proposed registry." Applicants must provide the complete security policy and procedures, and not just a summary or description of the complete policy and procedures. A clarifying question will be issued if only a description is provided.